ESG Tech

2. "Communication with tenants"


For the realization of sustainability

Multi-way communication

In real estate, where everyone lives, works, and plays, we provide people with the option to adopt sustainability practices and encourage active behavioral change, thereby realizing improvements in various areas of the SDGs, such as climate change, food waste, the environment, and healthy lifestyles.

Tenants and property users are very important stakeholders in properties and communities, and the environmental impact of their daily activities and actions has the potential to go beyond the self-help efforts of property owners alone, going beyond their individual actions to the actions of the entire community.

However, in today's real estate ESG field, self-contained initiatives by property owners (especially the E (environment) in building structures) are the norm, and communication with each stakeholder, including tenants, is also one-way, with no synergy being generated through collaboration among the various stakeholders.

Multi-directional communication through real estate ESG tech

Multi-directional communication that enables collaboration among various stakeholders using appropriate technology will enable the implementation of E (environment), S (society), and G (governance) on a broader scale , and will have a major impact on the realization of sustainability at the building and community level .

As an example of day-to-day real estate operations, by making full use of technology, it is possible to seamlessly connect with each stakeholder at all times and obtain feedback efficiently (and multidirectionally) at low cost, instead of the traditional, time-consuming and costly (and one-way) tasks of conducting satisfaction surveys and questionnaires of building tenants and users.

Sustainability initiatives through multi-way communication that is open to all stakeholders using tools such as real estate ESG tech will improve the attractiveness of the real estate itself, as well as increase real estate rents, tenant retention rates, and local community value.

By providing real estate owners and managers with the right tools, the real estate ESG tech service "EaSyGo" goes beyond the boundaries of individual properties and connects them to the "lines" that connect other dots, encouraging behavioral change that will lead to a shared commitment to sustainability for people in the real estate industry.

To encourage people to actively change their behavior towards sustainability, EaSyGo provides real estate users with the elements and options necessary for sustainability initiatives, such as motivation, means, evaluation, sharing and empathy .

We spread sustainability from individuals to communities, from communities to towns and towns to cities.

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